
January 8, 2024

Thank you for being such a loyal and faithful part of the Cedine family throughout the years.

Although we have tried our best to keep expenses as low as possible, various operating costs have increased significantly over the past few years. It is our desire to continue to serve you with excellence and to be good stewards of the ministry that the Lord has entrusted to us.

After much prayer and deliberation, we have made the difficult decision to increase our camp and retreat fees. This change will become effective February 1, 2024. See camp and retreat pages on our website for updated fee information.

There is still time to take advantage of the 2023 early bird fees. The deadline for last year’s early bird fees has been extended until January 31, 2024. After January 31, 2024 the new early bird and regular registration fees will kick in. Feel free to contact us with any questions.

Thank you for your understanding, support and prayers.

Cedine Ministries


canoe trip is flexible. We will float lazily down the river, chilling with your friends. We will struggle with the challenges of the river, building a fire, cooking outdoors, learning to tie knots, working together to keep the canoe going straight and team building. These challenges can bring you closer or make you want to start whacking each other with your paddle. Whatever happens we will help you work through it based on God’s Word. We have all been struggling with the issues around Covid 19. This is a great opportunity to learn how to live for God when life doesn’t make sense. Doing this with friends and godly leader in a safe environment is a great way to grow. Download flyer here: Canoe trip flyer 2021

Print Registration Form here: 2021-canoe trip-registration

Register at

September 25, 2020

We just passed the Anniversary of the March on Washington. I now have a dream I didn’t have even 10 years ago. I have a dream of my grandkids growing up in a society where ethnic and cultural issues are minimized and the color of their skin will not affect the quality of their life.

Eyes are often opened over time. I would never have called myself a racist (I don’t like this word as we are all one race created by God) but in reality I was. I felt that the poor belonged where they were. It was their own fault for not getting off government help and working. Some have, but they still feel the pain and effect of racism. Many others have tried but don’t have access to the resources or education to escape. And yes, some choose to stay. My point is, much like Jonah’s view of the Ninevites, I thought I lived a better Christian life and deserved the grace of God more.

The Ethnic Divide From My Perspective. I have served the African American community now for 20 years. I have seen and heard so much of their pain, some of it first hand. During our first years I often traveled with Bro. Walker. When flying his bags would be searched but mine would not. While on recruiting trips people would interact with me instead of him, even though he was older and the Camp Director. More recently one of our African American staff was stopped in our county and was surrounded by police cars with 8 guns pointed at his head. These are just a few examples.

I was walking the other day in Atlanta with no fear for my life even though I was in a African American neighborhood, but as I walked I began thinking about my grandsons who are Black. If I, if we, don’t see the reality of the world they are growing up in and what my children will have to teach my grandchildren about how to interact with the police and others, true change will never come. I did not begin to understand the issues until I started getting close to and doing life with the people I serve. PLEASE trust me on this, the issues are real and we need God’s wisdom to know the right course of action from here. If you truly want to understand, listen and hear the issues from the other side’s perspective, I will help you make those connections. Ethnic divides have been around a long time (Jonah hated the Ninevites because of how they treated his people. The Jews hated the Samaritans because they thought of them as half-breeds.) but with your help we can make a difference today in the way we think and act towards our brothers and sisters who are hurting, especially now. Please pray, listen, sympathize and seek to understand our hurting brothers and sisters.

June 30, 2020

Cedine Ministries, holding to the truth of Scripture that all men are created in the image of God (Gen. 1:27), and that unjust acts against another human being are affronts to God who made us in His image (Gen. 9:6), stands firmly on the understanding that human life is precious. The senseless killings of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd have brought forward understandable pain and anger about racism and violence against black Americans. The racism and violence that plague our society need to stop, and the healing needs to begin. This can only happen through the power of God through the work of our Lord Jesus Christ.

As a body of believers, we have been entrusted with the message of reconciliation as well as the ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:18, 19), which begins, in part, when people start accepting others who differ from themselves. We need to be proactive in listening to our brothers and sisters in Christ who are hurting and need our support. There is no place for partiality or violence in our community here at Cedine as we have been commanded to “Love our neighbor as we love ourselves” (Matt. 22:39).

With many decades of peaceful protest and advocacy for social justice, we are thankful for some results of real and positive change in our society. Cedine has been an example of that change for nearly 75 years. Racial exclusion was replaced with inclusion right here on these grounds, and racism was replaced with African American Campers having access to quality Christian Camping. We’re on the right track but still have a long way to go. Through continued hard work and sustained commitment we will together help bring an end to the pain and injustice that ail our society.

We at Cedine desire to be a place where safe and meaningful conversations can occur and where understanding is fostered in a Christ honoring atmosphere (James 1:19). We, as members of Cedine, stand in solidarity in rejecting racism and violence. We are committed to building a better future where opportunity is real and just for all, where the message and power of Christ and the gospel has its full impact in our churches and on our society.

“Do justice, love mercy, walk humbly with our God.”

Vernon Tannahill
General Director


As I am sure, like most of you, this spring didn’t look like anything we had planned and the summer is shaping up to be a casualty of the pandemic as well. As you have read in this issue besides the challenges with the pandemic we also had the wind storm.

Despite the fact that the fees for camps and retreat normally produce about 40 percent of our income, we praise the Lord that to date our bills are paid. We have cut spending, partly because of not having events but also being careful about doing anything that isn’t absolutely essential during this time. Please pray with us and if the Lord should lead, send a special gift to help us through this challenging time. We are so grateful to the many of you that have shown your concern by sending your words of encouragement and your gifts.

After much prayer and looking at all the data we could find, including a survey we sent to parents of campers from previous years, it has been determined that we will forgo all of our scheduled summer activities unless the Lord supernaturally opens the door. We agonized over this decision but with the information we have at this time it appears this is how the Lord is directing us.

You may be wondering what we will do with our time. It seems for me up to this time I have had more to do in keeping up with government guidelines and seeking the Lords mind each step of the way than functioning in normal operational mode. There are some things that we have often said we would love to do when we have some time. We hope to tackle some of these in our effort to make Cedine the best tool we can be for our Master’s use. We are spending time with people to encourage them in their walk with the Lord as He provides opportunity. I am planning to have a list of some of those things to share with you in the fall.

April 3, 2020

On March 29, 2020 around 5:00 am a thunderstorm with high winds, possibly a tornado, came through Cedine and uprooted and knocked down trees. One fell on the roof of the camp dining hall, one on Nash Hall, one on the farmhouse and a couple on the garage at Beth Haven. Most of the roads on the lower half of the property were impassable. (You can see many pictures on our Facebook page.) We are praising the Lord for His protection as no one was hurt although some personal cars were damaged. An amazing thing occurred that morning when 50 or so volunteers showed up from the community to help clean up and open up the roads so emergency vehicles could get in if necessary. All the power was out until Tuesday afternoon and the final residence had power by Friday.

We are so grateful for the Pine Grove Volunteer Fire Department and Fire Chief Cory Yarger for their help in the clean up as well as Colby Yarger and some of his crew that came to help. They not only came but brought equipment that allowed us to get things opened up much quicker than anticipated. There were many neighbors and friends as well as many staff that worked together to help us get to a place we could continue to function. Thank you for your prayers for protection and provision. We are so grateful to the Lord for all of the ways He has ministered to us through this tumultuous time.

April 3, 2020

We trust this finds you well and resting in the peace that passes understanding (Philippians 4:7). We are grateful for your prayers and concern for the ministry of Cedine. After the successful Leadership Conference, it was necessary to cancel the remaining March events (including work teams for late March and early April). There will be no events held in April. Our hearts ache as we miss these opportunities to connect with people and encourage them in their walk with the Lord. We are still seeking to Lord for wisdom concerning the couples retreat and what summer camp should look like. The early bird pricing for camp will be available until May 31st.

Please check on the particular events on the website ( and Facebook page (link on bottom of page) for updates on scheduling and impact of the virus on the ministry. Our plans moving forward (modified if necessary) are to proceed with the Couples Retreat and Summer Camp. We will continue to work on plans for the different scenarios that might take place. Pray for wisdom and resources (Camp staff and finances) to provide an experience where people connect with God.

April 16, 2018

Life in the Director’s chair has its ups and downs; it is exciting, challenging but never boring. A day can be planned but it seldom works out according to plan. A day may involve preparing reports for the board, working with a planning committee on retreat plans (since we don’t have a Conference Director to care for that), setting up a food service roster for a weekend retreat (since we don’t have a Food Service Director), writing a donor letter, working on the budget, tracking the ministries’ finances, answering phone calls about a retreat or from the insurance company and interacting with staff throughout the day.

The months of January and February are special as well as challenging as I take the time to meet with each staff member and review what God has done this past year, what might have slipped through the cracks (the personal quarterly newsletter for several) and what are the challenges we hope to conquer for this coming year. I am so encouraged by many of our staff, their love for the Lord and their passion to serve. A joy of mine is to see how the Lord continues to provide for the needs of Cedine and our missionaries. We need additional donors for staff (especially the new ones trying to get here), general fund and capital projects.  Please pray that the Lord will provide for us in this. We are grateful to the Lord for funds that have been provided to begin a  project to put A/C in the camp chapel so the young people won’t be distracted from hearing the Word by the heat. Praise the Lord with us as you pray for His continual provision