Position on Ethnic Violence
Cedine Ministries, holding to the truth of Scripture that all men are created in the image of God (Gen. 1:27), and that unjust acts against another human being are affronts to God who made us in His image (Gen. 9:6), stands firmly on the understanding that human life is precious. The senseless killings of Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and George Floyd have brought forward understandable pain and anger about racism and violence against black Americans. The racism and violence that plague our society need to stop, and the healing needs to begin. This can only happen through the power of God through the work of our Lord Jesus Christ.
As a body of believers, we have been entrusted with the message of reconciliation as well as the ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:18, 19), which begins, in part, when people start accepting others who differ from themselves. We need to be proactive in listening to our brothers and sisters in Christ who are hurting and need our support. There is no place for partiality or violence in our community here at Cedine as we have been commanded to “Love our neighbor as we love ourselves” (Matt. 22:39).
With many decades of peaceful protest and advocacy for social justice, we are thankful for some results of real and positive change in our society. Cedine has been an example of that change for nearly 75 years. Racial exclusion was replaced with inclusion right here on these grounds, and racism was replaced with African American Campers having access to quality Christian Camping. We’re on the right track but still have a long way to go. Through continued hard work and sustained commitment we will together help bring an end to the pain and injustice that ail our society.
We at Cedine desire to be a place where safe and meaningful conversations can occur and where understanding is fostered in a Christ honoring atmosphere (James 1:19). We, as members of Cedine, stand in solidarity in rejecting racism and violence. We are committed to building a better future where opportunity is real and just for all, where the message and power of Christ and the gospel has its full impact in our churches and on our society.
“Do justice, love mercy, walk humbly with our God.”
Vernon Tannahill
General Director